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Moisture-proof, anti-theft and transportation protection technology of effervescent packaging

Aug 16 , 2024

Effervescent tablets have strict requirements for packaging design due to their special usage and needs. Effervescent tablet packaging not only needs to meet the functions of moisture-proof, anti-theft and drug protection, but also needs to reflect high practicality and safety in actual applications.

Pill tube with desiccant cap

effervescent tablet tube

1. Built-in medicine chamber: efficient moisture-proof to ensure the freshness of drugs

Moisture-proofness is one of the basic requirements for effervescent tablet packaging. There is a built-in medicine chamber on the top of the bottle cap, which is the core part of the moisture-proof function. This small medicine chamber can store silica gel and molecular sieves. These desiccants can effectively absorb moisture and ensure the good condition of the drugs during the entire storage and use period, thereby avoiding the reduction of drug efficacy and changes in taste. At the same time, the design of separating desiccant from drugs also prevents the risk of accidental ingestion and improves the safety of use.

2. Anti-theft ring: protect drug safety and prevent tampering

The anti-theft function is the key to ensure that drugs are not tampered with or misappropriated during circulation. The effervescent tube is designed with an anti-theft ring on the bottle cap, which can effectively identify whether the drug has been opened or used. Before using the bottle for the first time, the user only needs to check whether the anti-theft ring is intact to judge the integrity of the drug. The design of the anti-theft ring also includes the bottle buckle at the bottleneck of the bottle body, so that when the moisture-proof cover is covered, the anti-theft ring will be stuck, and when it is opened, the anti-theft ring will automatically fall off, providing effective anti-theft protection.

The Innovative Container with Silica Gel Cap: A Game Changer for Product Preservation

desiccant cap

3. Coil spring: a key design for protecting drugs during transportation

During transportation, the protection of drugs is another important consideration in the design of effervescent tablet packaging. The bottle cap is equipped with a coil spring, which can effectively fix the drugs during transportation. The coil spring has good elasticity and can shrink under force to prevent the drugs from breaking due to bumps during transportation. This design not only protects the integrity of the drugs, but also reduces the economic losses caused to pharmaceutical companies by packaging problems and improves transportation efficiency.

With its three innovative designs of built-in medicine warehouse, anti-theft ring and coil spring, the effervescent tablet packaging solves the common moisture-proof, anti-theft and transportation protection problems in drug packaging. These designs not only improve the safety and stability of drugs, but also ensure the efficient protection of drugs during storage and transportation, and also bring more trust and convenience to pharmaceutical companies and consumers.

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